Psicoterapia: Functional thinking and the basic experiences of the self.

Luciano Rispoli, 2000.

In which ways is a person’s history imprinted on their body? How can the traces of this history be read?

The traces are in the rigidity and in the stereotypes of the Functions: movements, posture, tones of voice, pain threshold, perceptions, sensations, vegetative stereotypes. The bodily memory is a culmination of all the traces and these various altered Functions.

In order to effect profound changes, the therapy should resolve all the traces, act on the body and flesh at all these levels, by means of a clear and precise project. One cannot proceed, groping in the dark or simply following that which emerges from the therapy: all the altered Functions need to be put in determined sequence which depends on the history and the alterations of an individual.

Working on the Functions means looking below the surface at the most profound layers as far as the basic needs; it also signifies the recuperation of the “Basic Experiences of the Self”, those experiences which, if not overcome in a positive way, are no longer able to constitute the vital heritage of every human being.

Following this path, (precision, profoundity, reconstruction of the Basic Experiences of the Self), the therapy will become increasingly short and soft, while restoring the capacity to conserve health, vitality and happiness.

Experiential work

Therapy project; Phases of therapy; To reconstruct some Basic Experiences: Original aggressiveness

Affectionate aggressiveness

To absorb, contact